Monday, April 13, 2009



Not a whole lot is new since the last post that i wrote a month ago and!:) oops.

Bathroom is still a work in progress as all projects seem to be at the geelhoed house. I will be very thankful when it is finished bc our upstairs is total chaos.....and when one part of my life is chaos, it seems i can't think straight until it is fixed.

We have lots of plans for the summer. Hoping to get to MN for Julia's graduation party, for sure going camping for a week at Pickeral Lake with Alison.....we will be testing out the campground on the other side of the lake from the rest of the Feyen's, but will be over to bother you all during the day. The week after that we will hopefully be out at Holland with my friend Suzi and her family. Should be crazy and fun all at the same time. :)

MEANWHILE i am wondering if my second child will ever sleep through the night....and if i should just bite the bullet and let him cry it out. I have been saying i am going to do this for the past 4 weeks, so i suppose it is time. I guess i was waiting for a miracle. I give props to all women who have done this before me. It is not an easy job trying to be a good mom and wife and person of society when you are not getting enough sleep!

That's about all that most of you will enjoy reading.

To Lisa, Rachel and Michelle. I have failed miserably the past two days in my eating healthier quest. Usually when someone just starts something don't they brag about their progress for a few weeks before failing? well, i am trying a different approach....i am doing bad right off the bat. Tommorow is another day....and it helps that i have to 'fess up about it.

To Rachel: I LOVE YOUR BLOGS! all of them because they usually make me smile, but especially the recent ones. I am trying so hard to live on less and your latest comparison chart was awesome. I LOVE staying home with my kids, but i definitly need to learn how to shop the deals in order to not be stressed about money all the time.

pics tommorow. i am going to bed!:)


Rach said...

Oh Sarah....Stella still wakes up sometimes....although I think it's her teeth this time. I never really did the "cry it out" thing. Stella only cuddles with me in the middle of the night or when she's I give in & hold's so wonderful. But sleep is so necessary for my daily functions. I am doing just "okay" with our eating healthy mission. You see...Sofia got all this Easter sugar...and surely it would be worse if she had to eat it all by herself. I will happily report, however, that I did send about 60% of it with Peter to his work....get it out of my house!

Anonymous said...

Sarah, I don't know if is true with all people but my boys were more challenging when it came to sleeping through the night! They did seem to need more cuddle time with mom! They always slept longer when Chris put them to bed!
Also I appreciate your honesty with the diet woes! It is definately difficult! Keep at it!

beki clark said...

pippi sleeps thru the nite twice a month..... thats it, and she's nine months old!!!
i love sleep soooo much... i told piper last nite that from 10pm-7am zoe is my favorite child... you would think that would be incentive to sleep... but... alas... it isn't....