Thursday, May 28, 2009

workout weds.

I did bad. I accomplished one goal, i got out of the house everyday and walked with the boys or went to the park, worked outside etc. BUT i NEVER made it to the gym and one sweet snack a day...well, it always worked alright until about 8pm, or until i made a new cookie recipe (which is fabulous...obviously)
So, there's my confession.
I will keep my same goals from last week .......and hopefully be talking my mom into doing the byron 5k with me for some motivation.
Please don't kick me out of your club.:)


Rach said...

Sarah, you are still ahead of me...I'm still too afraid to post my own WW because of the confession part. Good job getting outside...and definitely post the cookie recipe!!!

Anonymous said...

Do you know how long I kept the same eating habits but counted my daily walk as my good changes? It takes time. Think of it this takes approximately 13 weeks to break an old bad habit and to make your new good habits stick! I think you are moving in the right direction. I would not kick you out you are an encourager!

aelders said...

Sarah....we are DEFINATELY related! I haven't posted my WW yet because of all of my failures from the week! I love food, what can I say? Anyway, good luck this week. By the way, when is the 5K?

Unknown said...

The cookies were awesome!! I haven't even joined this W.W thing....what does that tell you. About running - you'll have to talk to Aunt Es. She calls it walking but don't let her fool ya. I will bike anywhere with you. How about Rockford?