Wednesday, July 15, 2009

growing up

I find myself somehow in the middle of July, 2009!!! We were talking the other day about this decade....and honestly i felt like it had just started! i remember so vividly new years eve 1999, when everything was supposed to crash and the world was supposed to end.....everyone was prepared for the worst! (i think my mom bought a few extra cans of green beans!! haha, i am sure that would have helped a ton! sorry mom) ANYWAY back to the point it is almost 2010! how did i get here?! In these ten years i have
*graduated high school
*graduated hair school
*bought a house
*gotten married
*had 2 babies!!!
*and grown up
it's crazy and wonderful all in the same. I honestly have been blessed more than I could've ever hoped or imagined! (thank you, Lord) My life proves that this is true.....the Lord gives and He takes away, but BLESSED be the name of the Lord.

this is not where i was even remotely going when i started this post, so i guess it was hidden somewhere and just had to come out. I guess lately I have been worried about all the bad things, it is good to remember the good and think about those things!


CharityVL said...

Sometimes I cannot believe I am old enough to have a teenage child in less than 18 months! I remember being a teenager vividly enough that I can't possibly be old enough to be the mom of one! I remember at my wedding your brother was this little boy running around with a cast on his arm and your sister sat on my lap at the head table. Crazy how time flies.

LJFredricks said...

life is flying by fast isn't it? It pains me to count back to when I graduated in 1994 could it be 15 years already?? yikes. Funny though now I kind of want to tell teenagers how good they have it and teach them about work ethics. Ha I must be old