Wednesday, May 20, 2009

workout wednesday

ok. i will officially start posting every week now, bc i need the accountability! I did SO well when you first started this and lately i am a complete disaster!
Last week I finished off a new tub of ice cream in 3 days sitting down with the tub, not even in a bowl and watching disney channel while the kids napped! I know...pathetic. I have been eating anything and everything in sight bc for some reason i feel sorry for myself!! i can't even pinpoint what it is?! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.....
my goals for this week:
Get to the gym at least 3 times.
One sweet snack a day
Be outdoors walking or at the park at least an hour everyday. (i know that doesn't seem like much, but once i am out of the house for the day I seem to accomplish 10xs more for the rest of it.)
Michelle, please keep posting verses! they are want actually break through my "who really cares attitude!" and to everyone else...thanks for keeping your posts up, there is no way i will be able to do this myself!
(does anyone else think this food addiction is just insane?! why can't i just say no?)


Anonymous said...

I am proud of you for posting. It is very hard to make yourself vulnerable like that even when you are just sitting in front of your own computer! I will keep posting the verses because our focus should be taking care of the bodies that GOD loves! I do sometimes have to remind myself that if I do this for myself I will fail...if I do this in response to Gods love I will be much better off!

I also think that it is amazing that we hardly see eachother but I have had more contact with some of my cousins through blogging. Its great! Have a super week. I will be praying for you!

LJFredricks said...

Great goals sarah!! Glad your doing it. More accountability for sure

aelders said...

Way to go Sarah!! I hate my food addiction! It seems like all I think about is my next meal or snack, or binge session!! I've been doing ok for the last few days, but last night after the kids were in bed, I took out the chocolate frosting!!! I'm a little nervous about going camping and being without the gym for a week, but hopefully we can keep eachother accountable!!

Sarah Geelhoed said...

we can walk! there will be LOTS of helpers for the kids. i am sure we could escape for an hour a day.

Caitlin said...

We can start Food Addicts Anonymous together. If it makes you feel any better, I was miserable last summer and said "never again!". Yeah...I weigh more this summer than last. So much for that. What great will power that I have.