Thursday, January 28, 2010

my cousins

I don't have the gift of writing.....and only creativity sometimes...(definitly not during craft time!). BUT, I do have the gift of reading and an easily moved heart.

I have A LOT of really, we have never been super close. But because of the computer and blogging/facebook I have gotten to know a few of you in a more intimate way. Thank you to those of you who share your heart/stuggles/joys/faith online for me to read. You are an encouragement more than you know! The way you parent, turn to God, make me smile and even just vent makes me want to strive to do better and be a better everything in my life as well:)

Your gifts are a blessing to me. Thank you for using them. God touches me through your words.


LJFredricks said...

You are so loved! Such a good mama to those little boys and baby (girl??). So glad to be part of your family

Rach said...

ditto what Lisa said! Apparently I have a way with words too....since the best response I can think of is "ditto." I am so glad blogs & FB have brought us all closer too!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you mentioned an easily moved heart as a gift! I agree with you, all this technology has helped me to get to know my cousins more than I thought possible!

Keep up the good work over there!

LJFredricks said...

Ok sweetie. time to update. Teach your mom how to do it if you must ;) There must be a belly picture over there somewhere.