Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Have you ever felt like you are at a cross road in your life???  I remember a few that I can point out specifically.  Times where I needed to choose which direction I wanted my life to go. 

I feel like there I am again.  And while it is not as significant as what I want my profession to be or who I am going to marry or how many kids do I is significant.   I feel God's call on my life in a way I have never ever felt before. 

I have always acknowledged God and His presence and authority in my life, but I don't think I DID life with God.   I feel like it is similar to spouses when they are not communicating and just living together.  Often it feels like you are just roommates living under the same roof, not a team working together intentionally. 

God has placed some people in my life this year who are intentionally walking out their faith everyday.   I was blessed with parents who have also lived that way.  Which was an amazing foundation for the time I was ready to choose it for myself.  Watching these people has just motivated me that going through the motions is just NOT enough.  I need to make specific choices in my life....and that is so hard for me.  I LOVE living in the gray areas.  Black and white is not my thing. 

I feel now like, if we are intentional about reading our Bible and praying and going to church...then why would we not be intentional about what we watch on tv, read in books or listen to on the radio.   What and where do we draw the line.   How do we change without offending others?  Or do we just not worry about offending others?  Do we stay silent or are we called to have a voice?  How do you move on once you hit a point where you know it's time to change but others aren't choosing the same things you are? 

I don't really think anyone reads this...but if you do....these are just thoughts that need to go somewhere.  I am definitely not trying to offend anyone.  Just journaling out loud.  :)  Enough rambling...til the next time my thought life is overflowing. 

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